The robustness leader for all conditions
The Camborough® 50 combines the prolificacy & leanness of the Landrace with the robustness and fast growth of the white Duroc, with the purpose to keep sow herd productivity in all systems with the necessary robustness.
Sow Herd Productivity:
- Very robust sow to optimize longevity
- Stronger and robust piglets at birth
- Excellent milking capacity
- Docile temperament
In all conditions:
- Optimal quality of pigs weaned
- Excellent ease ofmanagement
- Optimal performance in grow finish stages
National Pig Awards Winner Herd Productivity Award
- Farming 990 Outdoor Sows
- 2 week batch mating system with weaning at 5 weeks
- Home breeding to produce a Camborough®50
- Producing PIC®380 sired progeny moved offsite at weaning to BQP-Pilgrim’s
- Performance: 28.8 pigs weaned/sow/year (Farrowing rate 92.5%, 11% pre-wean mortality and 12.4 weaned/litter)
- Weaning weight averaging 10.2kgs

The White Duroc [PIC®L19]
Richard Mellor – R&C Mellor Ltd
in the female makes
a superb robust mother.
National Pig Awards Winner: Outdoor Producer of the Year & Unit Maanger of the Year
- 1600 sows – 27.8 pigs/sold/year – 13.6 BA and 11.7 weaned/litter
- 100% AI with a Conception rate of 96% and a Farrowing rate of 91%
- 2 week batch with 5 week weaning
- Using the Camborough®50

The reliability of PIC’s Camborough®50 and her ease of management are key factors in our farms success.
LSB Pigs – Run by Rob McGregor and owner Robert Battersby, based in Norfolk
National Pig Awards Finalist: Herd Productivity Award & Outdoor Producer of the Year
- Operates approximately 9000 Outdoor sows across 9 units supplying BQP-Pilgrim’s. One unit is organic with the others operating either 4 or 5 week weaning.
- Home breeding to produce Camborough®50 females then mated with either PIC®800 or PIC®380 sireline
- Performance: 25 to 28.2 pigs weaned/sow/year with the expectation that the PRRS vaccination blitz will lift this further.

The breeding performance is excellent but also matched by the the quality of the weaned pigs.
Guy King – GSK Pigs Ltd