Our goal is to enable our customers to become the most successful pork producers in the world.

For 60 years we have invested in choice, genetic gain, supply, and services with the goal to help our customers sharpen their competitive edge …

The Camborough sow is the most widely used sow in pig production worldwide. What makes the Camborough so popular for farmers?

Here you will find extensive information, tools, manuals – for successful pig production.
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60 years ago …
PIC was formed by six pig farmers in a pub in England with the goal of making a better pig.
Thank you to the customers, partners and team members, past and present, who have made these last six decades a success. PIC will Never Stop Improving and we look forward to the next 60 years with you.
The European pork market is diverse and changes rapidly under influence from consumers, regulators, and traders. These changes create challenges and opportunities for pig producers. Producers that adapt to the circumstances and focus on performance will be leading the industry in the years to come.
How does PIC help farmers to manage these challenges?