Fertiboar technology, awarded in the SPACE 2021 innovation competition.

The Innov’Space Awards are a benchmark in the French market and have a great international impact, given the large number of candidates competing in each edition.

The Fertiboar technology, developed by PIC in collaboration with the IFN (Institute for Reproduction of Farm Animals, Schönow) in a 4-year project, was recently presented and submitted as an award candidate because it represents a major innovation in the research for greater efficiency in the use of boars with high genetic value.

This technology that combines the application of ultrasound in live animals, digital image analysis, specific development of algorithms and artificial intelligence techniques, is nowadays a reality and provides greater precision and efficiency in the use of boars by genetic transfer centres (boar studs), while benefits pig producers in general with general improvement in semen quality and greater security in the supply of boars with the highest genetic potential.

In addition, it will provide great value in the relationships between insemination centres and their genetic supplier, since immature boars delivered to genetic transfer centres will have a high probability of meeting the quality standards to be used for insemination and thus, helping to the dissemination of desirable characteristics.

The automation of the complete analysis process allows its application on a large scale, so it will be progressively applied to the entire PIC supply chain. In addition, the model is configured in such a way that continuous supply with data will continue to improve its precision even more, so it will progressively help to predict with greater reliability the ability to produce good quality semen, effectively collaborating in the genetic progress of elite populations and in the diffusion to producers of genes from the boar with higher indexes.

In situations with limitations for the genetic renewal of the population through the delivery of boars for artificial insemination, such as exports to countries with strict regulations, transport limitations, or in the availability of quarantine and GTC places, this technology will represent a competitive advantage due to its greater predictability and reliability in the selection of candidate boars.

For more information, please contact Michael Kleve-Feld, Director of Applied Male Reproduction at PIC, Michael.Kleve-Feld@genusplc.com, or contact your regular PIC contact.